Data Directory

 Population Census data by county in 2000

Population Census data by county in 2000 covered 135 variables of population in 2869 units in county level.

There are several notes for users to use this database:

1 the data were from computer directly without any adjustment.

2 the population surveyed was not the whole population.

3 the survey was based on units in county level.

4 the blank meant the data was 0.

Database Identifier:
Database Name:
Last Modified Date:
Director Unit Name:
Director Postal Address
Director Unit Zip Code:
Director Phone:
Director Fax:
Director Email:
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URL Address Chaining:
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Copyright All Beijing ICP for 11024750
The Information-center Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention | Support Recommended 1024 * 768 Resolution, IE8.0 above
Address: 155 Changbai Road Changping District | Zip code:102206